Sunday 24 November 2019


Written a year ago, it was never meant for public release. The emcees on the posse cut in order are: The best thing about it is Global Faction the highly respected Youtube channel well known for being a video.. Jaspal Singh I think the guy is wrong, I disagree with his views but I don't think its controversial to put your views forward. The vinyl market has boomed, every town has numerous Hip Hop groups all in different accents and own styles. Peace to the Puzzle , has been released. scorzayzee great britain

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scorzayzee great britain

If your a producer or DJ or even an sxorzayzee and want my vocals on your production then go get this or share it with somebody making beats who need professional Vocals over their Beats. Thanks to 1Xtra for not being afraid to support music that is saying something and thanks to everyone that is buying our album to hear some science like Great Britain.

That track, released to coincide with the Queen's Silver Jubilee inwas banned by the BBC following a flood of complaints from listeners about its scathingly anti-Royal lyrics. The whole concept is taking the influence of brutain raps freat the 90s and then giving it a twist. The chorus, which is about Britain being held to account for its crimes, is even more controversial.

scorzayzee great britain

I got these young actors all spitting about food with food parodies to try and teach the youth how to grow their own food using education. Reminds me of WuTang. Not too many want to tackle the history of and call to rectify the wrongs of slavery, war, and economics upon people of diversity and political re-consciousness.

How old does that make me?!

scorzayzee great britain

Anyone that slates this is doing so cos they know Scor Zay Zee is right. Scorz evokes the spirits of Public Enemy and speaks on subjects that shouldn't just be in the Guardian letters page.

Yeah man, I took a few years out to recover after I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, which is not just an illness that is related to crazy people doing mad stuff.

Kowalski Nice to see you listened to the whole track before moaning Rory. We all love the party, we all love the shine, ecorzayzee boasts, the beefs etc, but hip hop has sdorzayzee been the artform than speaks out when all others stay quiet and play the corporate game.

He said that the track had provoked strong opinions, but no complaints. The history goes way before Out Da Ville. Hypocrisy shows its ugly face.

Seedy Listen to them.

[Interview] UK Rapper Scor-Zay-Zee Talks British Hip Hop & More

If I had the police I'd arrest ya. There is no justification for giving airspace to something as offensive as this. US ain't a patch on us any more. It was always natural to me to continue spitting and doing solo stuff, the other members are all still active in some sort of creativity.

BBC - 1Xtra - TX - Scor-Zay-Zee: Going too far?

DJ Klasse Finally lyricists that have actually taken time greta to actually think about what they are saying and talk about something constructive. Eddie-C this track britaln bringin some britaib and political awareness back to hiphop. The rightwing press were up in arms that the BBC played it at all. Are you feeling the lyrics? I got much love n respect for what Scor has been sayin', its all controversial but its true, its real!!!

Censorship of this kind can often be your best commercial," he said. This artist has a lot to say and whether or not we agree with him, he has accomplished one very important thing: Scor-zay-zee plays the Detonate Festival in Nottingham on 30 May. Scor-Zay-Zee's lyrics take a controversial look at British life and the views expressed are sure to make some noise on both the music and political scenes.

I started rapping at local jams in my area in Nottingham, then went onto open mic nights in London in the 90s, which then made a name for myself with my crew Britsin Da Ville. Music and politics cannot be separated, the two have traversed history hand in hand.

[Interview] UK Rapper Scor-Zay-Zee Talks British Hip Hop & More | The Source

Already with a underground following and respected by so many cool people it was a surprise to me how I could have not ever heard of this talented musician. It's time black people regained their self respect by saying something worthwhile for a change and presenting a decent image of our women.

With all that's going on in the world now,it's time for a reality check people.

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