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Or browse results titled:. Bands alphabetical country genre Labels alphabetical country Reviews R. The keyboards are drums are perfect in the mix, never taking away from the guitar driven feel of the album. The riffing isn't anything groundbreaking or super spectacular, but have a nice air of familiarity without sounding ripped off or forced. Vulgar Display of Purring Presents: The solos keep everything in the song — and the album — sounding fresh so need to worry about the sound going stale after a few listens. The band has managed to establish a cult following in their native country, thanks to playing numerous shows and festivals. dakesis trial by fire

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Trial By Fire Album

The guitars and drums are well structured and the keyboards are strategically placed to reinforce the rest of the music. The keys add a nice epic flair to the music and are actually tastefully performed. They keyboards keep flow nicely in their designated sections, keeping that European power metal in place. While his voice bears considerable energy, he is often yelling as much as he singing, and his diction leaves me wanting.

» Trial By Fire Album

On Wings of Steel Dakesis is an English progressive power band with more power tendencies than progressive. At times, the music reminds me of Iron Maiden with the galloping drums and chunky power muted guitars.

dakesis trial by fire

Some may find his style to have a certain rough charm, but being the picky sort that I am, it tends to sometimes blunder somewhat clumsily through an otherwise enjoyable experience.

There are a couple Warmen like solos here and there. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Also outstanding in this work is the keyboard contribution, which regularly adds a necessary shine to make adequate music into some very catchy power metal. The vocals are more diverse than the usual vocal styles found in power metal and the instrumentation show a range of influences from classic metal to prog.

Dakesis - Trial by Fire - Reviews - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

Into the Light If you like Dakesis, you may also like: The vocals are rather varied on this album. Production wise everything is just right in the mix. The lead guitarist could slow down a bit and allow a fakesis more breathing room for the excellent rhythm lines to shine through a little brighter.

Trial by Fire Dakesis. After the Storm Mixing progressive and power metal, the band have established a strong and loyal fan base over the last two years. Maybe that voice will even grow on me.

The Swedish band weave historical truths into ferocious war hymns, riddled with bombastic bagpipes and lightning-speed riffs. A Crisis Of Faith by Kaine. The track however is obviously dominated by male vocals, slightly disappointing, but hey, what can we do about it?

The orchestration brings about a dramatic and tense sound, much like the theme to Jaws. Guitarist and male lead vocalist Wayne Dorman is a bit of different story, however.

Christian Towalski go to album. The vocal work, provided by Wayne, is diverse on this one, offering up a mixture of high and low notes. And lastly, the rhythm guitars could be a little sharper or edgier.

The male vocalist sounds like a typical euro power metal singer, mid range with a crystal clear delivery. Write your own review. To Xakesis End Self produced and sounding none the worse for it, Dakesis has turned out a fairly original, if rough-edged, debut of well-composed tunes that manage to sound relatively fresh throughout the duration of the album.

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Email required Address never made public. Race car fast power metal from Milan, Italy.

dakesis trial by fire

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